Thursday, May 23, 2013

Life in Colombia

We're sitting in the Colombia airport about to make trek to our second destination - Lima, Peru! Yesterday was the first day of the Amazing Race. We literally explored almost all of Northern Bogota. It was crazy! From trying to ask for directions in Spanish to climbing down a mountain to climbing up another huge hill to memorizing Spanish tongue twisters and so many more activities it was a packed day. I cant remember the last time I was so exhausted...on so many levels.It does make me nervous as we have two more weeks of Amazing Race training, but today is lighter with us flying to Lima so we only have Amazing Race in Lima for a couple hours this evening. Then we take an overnight bus to Trujillo, Peru - which will be our home base this summer. We'll be able to drop a bag there and then continue the trek to Ecuador and then back to Peru.
Colombia itself it a beautiful country. We've met some wonderful people who are do amazing ministry transforming lives. We heard testimonies from peoples whose lives have been transformed for Christ through the ministry. Amazing! One missionary here Lucy has such a beautiful servants heart and is truly an example of giving all for the sake of the gospel. Seeing their selfless service has truly been a blessing.
Catching the flight now. Please continue to pray for us. I'm a little under the weather with chills and a mild headache for a couple days (probably due to the altitude). Last night I got a better nights sleep which was much needed. :)
Thank you for your prayers - we can definitely feel them.


  1. Awesome! Sounds like you are in constant movement. We prayed for you this morning and will continue. Much love, LINC Staff

  2. Continue to pray for you ministry and your welfare.
