Wednesday, December 29, 2010


I was particularly struck one morning, back before Christmas, by a paragraph I was reading at the end of James chapter 4. It says that we shouldn't go around talking about our plans, but rather that we should talk about things "if the Lord wills them." It goes on to say that we need to stop boasting in our arrogance. I realized in that moment that setting ourselves up as independent is pure arrogance. We are boasting, though not with our words...we are boasting with our actions. I am very guilty of this. I make lots of plans, and rely on my own wisdom and skill to carry me through. Things seem immediately apparent to me, and I move forward. Rarely do I stop to say "I will do that if it is the Lord's will."

Lord, please help me to stop boasting! I am not independent, but rather completely dependent on You...I can do nothing apart from You, and had better not even try!

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